Description: Suter IC-Design AG is an independent design company for analogue and mixed-signal ASIC's since 26 years. In this long time we have focused on low power and high performance analogue full custom designs.
Application: telecommunications, multimeters, heating / air conditioning, energy meters, ripple control receivers, medical electronics (neurostimulation, pacemakers, hearing aids), automotive, security systems, sensors (temperature, humidity, pressure), avionic.
Our focus is on providing fullcustom designs, IPs and supporting customer design team with training or shared designs, where we take over the design of some analogue blocks and/or the final layout and DRC, LVS checks. We are not selling final ASICs to customer, customer can order wafers directly or use a testhouse for buying wafers, testing and covering all logistic aspects. We support the product till production release.
Technologies: XFAB 0.8, 0.6, 0.35 and 0.18um.
Our experience: low power and high resolution ADC-DAC, switch capacitor filters (low speed), high precision bandgap references, all types of operational amplifiers and comparators, voltage regulators. Supply voltages: 1V ..30V.
Design software: Mentor (Synthesis, ModelSim), Cadence OrCAD (0.8-0.35um), SIMetrix (0.18um) and Tanner S-Edit.
Layout software: Tanner L-Edit, HiPer Verify.