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The 110 nm BCD-on-SOI technology platform (XT011) is the latest evolution of X-FAB's foundry offering, continuing the tradition of best-in-class offer for high-voltage automotive, industrial and medical applications.
The core platform leverages a competitive portfolio of digital libraries and non-volatile memory IP to be released throughout 2024, which, coupled with X-FAB’s high standards of design support, will enable first-time right success for your next-generation products.
In this webinar, X-FAB will present a first overview of the technology, available design solutions, support and release schedule, providing an initial introduction to the enhanced capabilities and benefits of this offer for their product roadmap.


Nando Basile, Technical Marketing Manager e-NVM
Lars Bergmann, Director Design Support
Zhenkun Chen, Program Leader XT011

Silicon-based microfluidic systems

✓ Micro-manufactured fluidic structures for chip-scale handling and analysis of small quantities of fluids (liquids & gases)
✓ With noble metal electrodes integrated on silicon ASICs, as electro-chemical transducer interface, ready to be biofunctionalized for customized applications
✓ Using silicon technology: high integration density, stable and reproducible manufacturing process

Modern medical applications rely on semiconductor technologies to build reliable, accurate and innovative devices. If you want to find out what types of technologies X-FAB provides and for which type of devices they can be used, then watch this webinar session covering the following topics:

  • Feature-rich CMOS technologies for personal medical devices
  • BCD-on-SOI technology for medical ultrasound probes Optical sensors for medical imaging applications
  • Silicon-based microfluidics for next-generation DNA sequencing, liquid biopsy or micro electrode arrays
  • Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAD) for life-science applications

Christine Dufour, Program Manager Microfluidics
Alexander Zimmer, Principal Engineer Process Development
Dr. Ulrich Bretthauer, Marketing Manager Medical

The pace of development and industrialization of LOC devices has been growing – and will further accelerate. Smart integrated microfluidic systems are a key tool to tackle the future opportunities and challenges of digital healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic being an enormous catalyst to disseminate digital healthcare. Serving a diversified portfolio and a strong customer base ensure steady growth. Technology standardization is the basis for a scalable business model.

Let´s transform the up coming challenges into opportunities together.

Wetten, du bist uns schon einmal begegnet? Ob beim Entsperren des Smartphones, in deinem Auto oder Zuhause: X-FAB steckt überall da, wo die analoge und digitale Welt zusammentreffen. Mikrochips made by X-FAB findest du in Smart Watches, Herzschrittmachern, Industrierobotern, Elektroautos, Herzschrittmachern, und vielem mehr.

Als sogenannte Foundry fertigen wir analog-digitale integrierte Schaltkreise auf Siliziumwafern im Kundenauftrag. Mit circa 100.000 Wafer-Starts pro Monat sind wir mit unseren sechs Standorten auf drei Kontinenten und rund 4.000 MitarbeiterInnen einer der weltweit führenden Spezial-Halbleiterhersteller.  

I. X-FAB Profile
II. Microfluidic
II.i. Dry Film Resist Polymer Wafer Bonding
II.ii. Wafer Level Packaging Anodic Wafer Bonding
II.iii. BIoChip

Ultrasound solutions are widely used in industrial and medical applications for distance measurements and imaging. A multiplexing switch unit is required to drive a piezoelectric transducer array for imaging by a single ultrasound pulse source. Higher frequencies are required for better image resolution.