How to make the most of your Tape-out – Insights into Mask Tooling, Mask Preparation Techniques & Stitching
Do you know what happens to your IC design once you have taped-out to your foundry?
This webinar will shed some light on the various techniques applied in the process from design submission to mask generation. You will learn about the Data Input Check performed by X-FAB to ensure the best possible fabrication quality and how scribe lane structures are added allowing the monitoring of key process parameters. It will also address how the mask generation flow is optimized for different prototyping scenarios such as Single Layer Masks (SLM) and Multi Layer Masks (MLM). In addition, practical suggestions will be provided on how to bypass the reticle limitations by using stitching for large layouts.
In this webinar, we will showcase the different prototyping services X-FAB offers so that you can make the most of your designs and get it first-time-right.