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The ResourceXplorer enables you to access technical papers, webinars and articles related to analog/mixed-signal semiconductor technologies.

318 entries found

The heterogeneous integration of silicon CMOS and GaN HEMTs by micro-Transfer-Printing combines a highly integrated CMOS logic with fast output drivers with very low on-state and switching losses.
The integration of GaN HEMTs and silicon CMOS by micro-Transfer-Printing allows the combination of fast output drivers with very low on-state and switching losses and highly integrated CMOS logic.

Automotive analog ICs are required to function without incidents over the expected product lifetime of 10 years and longer. This may equally apply to industrial and medical designs. While the goal of achieving zero incidences is the same, the actual operating conditions such as bias conditions and duty cycles, can vary considerably. The hot carrier injection (HCI) lifetime of high-voltage transistors is one of the critical areas that need to be considered.
X-FAB offers a suite of readily available process reliability documentation and support information including comprehensive Safe Operating Area (SOA) characterization to help you on your path towards achieving first-time-right designs. This webinar will provide an overview of the HCI reliability related material available for the 40 V and 60 V transistors of X-FAB’s 180 nm high-voltage SOI process (XT018). This is followed by a step-by-step guide of how to effectively utilize the given information to gauge the HCI lifetime based on a circuit example.

High vacuum integrity is critically important for ion implantation process. All high vacuum Implanters relies on some form of ionization gauge for pressure measurement lower than 1.0e-4Torr. There are two types of ionization gauge technologies to choose for pressure measurements between 1.0e-4Torr and 1.0e-7Torr, which is cold cathode ion gauge (CCIG) or hot cathode ion gauge (HCIG).
The use of a thick Copper layer on top of an AlCu-metallization stack instead of common thick Aluminium layer triggers a need for a change in the reliability characterization, the test structure layouts and methods. The failure and degradation mechanisms of thick Copper and Aluminium are partly different for the material as well as for thick and thin metal layers.
Optical sensing is often based on a broad band detector with an application specific optical filter in front, to achieve the required selectivity. Silicon photodetectors have been used since years and the improvements in CMOS fabrication has led to in-creased performance and dropping prices.
In CMOS technologies with AlCu metallization, the common via shape is cylindrical. The size of the via is as small as possible for the related process and a maximum current per via is specified. Huge via arrays are in use for high current tracks. For future applications especially for automotive customers, the mission profiles of the products will be more challenging. Higher temperature, thermal expansion and cycling, higher current and high current pulses will require higher robustness of the metallization system.

More complex designs, shorter time to market and less time for engineering – these are the challenges IC designers are facing today. X-FAB addresses these to assist you in your design process. This 10th webinar of X-FAB’s first-time-right series will look at advancements made related to PDK features and design methodology since starting the series three years ago.
This webinar will showcase innovative PDK features and design methods which help you maximize design productivity and achieve first-time-right functional silicon.
Join this webinar and learn about new capabilities such as dummy structure generation flow for improved design robustness, simplified analysis of operating condition check results and advanced IP features for power/performance/area optimization.

This paper presents the design and experimental characterization of a microfluidic system comprising a novel bi-phasic liquid combination actuated by EWOD (electrowetting-on-dielectrics).
Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is one of the critical degradation mechanisms in semiconductor device reliability that causes shift in the threshold voltage (Vth). However up until this decade being able to quantize and thoroughly understand the behavior of NBTI had still been in vain due to a recovery characteristics known as NBTI recovery. The first part of this paper shows a brief introductory to NBTI and the severe implications of NBTI recovery.